The Love Notes Collection
Your relationship with your body is probably complicated. You’re told to love yourself at the same time that you’re expected to squeeze and contort your body into whatever society currently deems “ideal.” It’s exhausting. Enraging. Endless.
But you can learn to offer your body gratitude, respect, and maybe even love—just as it is.

A beautiful 3-book collection to inspire, motivate, and support you as you journey toward peace in your body. The Love Notes Bundle is personalized and packaged so that it feels like a hug in the recipient’s mailbox.
Bundles are sold exclusively through this website. Individual books may be purchased through the website or at your favorite book retailer.
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Deeply Touching and Permission-Giving
I had been meaning to buy this book since it first came out a few months ago, and yet I think there was part of me that was resisting its truth and sweet embrace around body love. My own relationship with my body has been a chaotic one, and as I devoured the book in the last day I found myself crying gentle tears of surrender and peace-making with myself as I read Nicole’s words. I’m a big believer that our stories matter and that it’s so important to share them with one another, and this is infinitely true for this book. I’m going to be buying the journal and diving deeper into this work directly as a result of the author’s courage in sharing her perspective. I recommend this book for any and all women who have ever felt that confusing tug of body shame. What a gem of a book.
~Kayla Floyd, award-winning author of Wondrous You and The Bedtime Book
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Love Notes to My Body is an award-winning, whimsical book with gorgeous illustrations by the talented Mica Gadhia. Each page is a love note, filled with gratitude and wonder, to a different part of the body.
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10 Reasons to Read Love Notes to My Body
- You may fall back in love with parts of your body you’ve hated for years.
- You’ll have a new lens through which to view your body.
- You’ll be inspired to create a legacy of body acceptance for your daughters and granddaughters and nieces and best friends and sisters.
- You’ll reframe the way you talk about your body.
- You’ll learn to speak lovingly to your own body.
- You’ll be gently led along the path of body acceptance.
- Your eyes will be delighted by the whimsical, colorful illustrations.
- You’ll realize how often your body has supported you.
- You’ll laugh and cry, and you’ll catch glimpses of yourself in the relatable experiences.
- You’ll experience deeper appreciation for your body, your lifelong companion.
Are you ready to make peace with your body?
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In tears of appreciation of the amazing gift of our bodies
I was in tears by page 3 . . . and it didn’t stop until every soulful, deeply (com)passionate page was flipped. I realized IMMEDIATELY how much I had taken my own body for granted, been utterly unappreciative of its tireless work to support me, protect me, and give me vitality.
This book is absolutely GORGEOUS—beautiful, colorful illustrations (Mica Gadhia), exceptional print quality, and PHENOMENAL message. This is an impactful book for all, but especially for those of us moving through the changes in our bodies with time and life’s experiences.
It truly gave me new adoration for this vessel I’m housed in. I also purchased her other two books to continue this body-loving journey. THANK YOU for sharing your wisdom & experiences, Nicole.
~Sara Schwittek, Designer Extraordinaire at Shy Siren
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Love Notes to My Body Is For Every Eoman
It’s especially wonderful for women:
- who are ready to embrace a kinder relationship with their bodies
- who are tired and ashamed of hating their bodies
- whose bodies are changing
- who are ready to rebel against societal expectations for their bodies
- who want the beloved women and girls in their lives to embrace their own miraculous bodies
- who want to reclaim their time, energy, and money to be present in their lives
Buy a copy for yourself and for your favorite woman!
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Heartwarming and honest
I’m so grateful for this book. I can’t remember the last time I thanked a part of my body for being strong, carrying burdens, or getting me to my destination. This honest, genuine, and frank book is a challenge and not to be rushed through. Get the workbook that goes with it. Take your time. Examine. Delve. And appreciate. The author will lead you gently along so you can move forward with a new vision of all the wonderful parts that are you. When you are done, you’ll want to hug the author and yourself afterward.
~D. A. Sarac, author of I Am F*cking Radiant and Love This F*cking Journey for Me
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Love Letters to My Body: Writing My Way to (Self-)Love is a collection of personal essays that digs into the grittier side of Nicole’s journey to accept all the parts of her body. It’s vulnerable and honest and poignant.

Writing Your Way to (Self-)Love: A Guided Journal to Help You Love Your Body, One Part at a Time is for women who want to make peace their bodies. There are prompts and lots of blank pages to be creative. There’s also a robust resource section.
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The perfect book for my pre-teen daughter
I love this book – from the story to the beautiful illustrations. I bought a copy for my pre-teen daughter to help her build the confidence to love herself. Highly recommend.
~S. Jackson
A gorgeous book
Nicole C. Ayers has produced a beautiful book about a very serious topic. Do we like our bodies? Which body parts do you love? And which do you just not accept?
After trying to change her body for most of her adult life, Ayers decided to accept herself in her body. It’s not just about losing weight and toning. Body parts are more than bellies and thighs. It’s her beautiful eyes, hair and even her taste buds. Who would have thought of this?
The book is beautifully illustrated with whimsical drawings. It’s the book we need today.
~Danny Bernstein
Not a typical book
This book falls more under the category of art than literature, in my opinion. It’s best nibbled instead of devoured. The author gifts us with an intimate portrait of her body, written with an affectionate, whimsical flair.
Her body is not your body, but reading each letter to hers will have you conversing with yours. The book is written by one woman, so it’s about this specific woman’s body, but the illustrations open the door for all of us to get frank with ourselves in the best way possible.
My advice is to read this book somewhere sunny and by yourself, so you can sit and reflect while you enjoy the colorful, inclusive illustrations.
A fun celebration of our bodies–warts and all
This is a lovely, expressive book that feels almost like an art journal. Ayers leaves no body part in the cold, from her thyroid to the rough patches of her heels. The art is energetic and has a child-like quality that transported me to that place of innocent acceptance and delight–the place I’d truly like to stay with this amazing life vessel that I have so often disrespected, ignored, abused and taken for granted. Enjoy the creativity that spouts from both Nicole C. Ayers and the artist Mica Gadhia. This book is truly a treat.
~Susan Nicolai
Inspiring and Beautiful!
What a beautiful read! The message is so inspiring. After reading this, I feel like I have an army of friends and support that I’ve never properly noticed…the parts of my body that I can ask to help lift me up when I need it (physically and mentally)…I’ve never thought about how much each part has such a strong purpose. I absolutely love the artist and how she captures the author’s true color and flare! What an inspiring message I get from this book. Thank you to Nicole and Mica for this wonderful book.
Such a beautiful and important book
This book, as the title suggests, is beautiful and important. It’s also REAL. And encouraging! And honest. I honestly had not given such deep thought and consideration to my body, and after reading the book twice, I have a new-found realization of how my body – even the parts I haven’t loved – have loved and supported me (unconditionally)!!! The words have been eye opening and educational. The illustrations are creative and lovely. I highly recommend this book for anyone who would like to start their journey of self-love… or just develop a little self-love in the moment!! It’s so well written and easy to read!
~Karen Kitzmiller
Brilliant! Cathartic!
I love, love, love this book! The concept isn’t new. We’re ‘supposed’ to love our bodies. Easier said than done, right?!? In this book, the author takes the plunge. She goes body part by body part, and literally writes love notes specific to her own personal history. It opened a door for me and demonstrated how I too could look back over my life and see how my body was there for me – or perhaps not! I found this (and the companion books, Love Letters to my Body and Writing Your Way to Self-Love) eye-opening, inspiring, and deeply liberating.
— The artwork is great too!
~Ginna Leatherbury
Loving my body one note at a time!
These love notes are so important! I am so glad this book found its way to my collection. I’m starting to have a different conversation in my head when I look in the mirror. I’m having a more positive conversation with my sweet little girl about her super amazing body. The illustrations are fun and whimsical without hiding what we really need to recognize is that these lady parts are all fabulous!
~Kelly Doppke
Courageous and Inspiring!!
Love Letters to My Body is both courageous and inspiring. Courageous because Nicole had to dive into the depths of her fears, break down the barriers of societal pressures and reveal her true Self. Inspiring because she opened her heart with beautiful and thoughtful words that will certainly help anyone who may have similar self-esteem issues. A great example of how Nicole turned dark thoughts, doubt, or misfortune into deeply personal and spiritual growth I found in her chapter on her hands. “It’s time for me to relinquish the fears that tell me I need control, to dive deep into the wonder of life, trusting that you’ve got me every step of the way. I will drop my armor and walk my path with you, both of us open to receive blessings.” Truly great writing and nourishment for one’s soul. What a blessing. 🙂
~Steve Physioc
Empowering for All Women
There is nothing more intimate, yet guarded, than a woman’s relationship to her own body. We women all know the social pressure to be physically perfect, and the secret that none of us are. Yet when Nicole C. Ayers opens up a dialogue with her own body in “Love Letters to My Body,” she dares to enter into a compassionate journey on her terms. As Nicole explores the facets of her own self-love by describing defects, memories, and even perfections in various parts of her body, she encourages us to do the same. Read “Love Letters” to learn a way to vulnerable self-acceptance. Share it to reclaim our own bodies, one part at a time, one woman at a time.
~Kate Farrell
Affirming and Thought Provoking
I didn’t exactly expect that reading about someone else’s journey with self- affirmation would lead me to question my own personal demons, but somehow this collection of letters about another woman’s body helped me to love mine more. The letters are honest, thoughtful, and ultimately empowering. The author has a way of writing extremely personally but somehow finding the common threads of self-doubt woven into every woman’s marrow. This book resonated with me long after I put it down, and even now as I look in the mirror, I hear echoes of another woman’s conversations with her body as I learn to speak lovingly to my own. This is a book for people who want to learn themselves, but more importantly, it’s a book for women who tell themselves that they already do. You will be changed after you read it.
The wisdom+beauty in this book will transform you.
I am deeply grateful for this book and for Nicole’s vulnerability in sharing this with the world. This book has helped me change perspectives on my relationship with my body and we know that is huge for people especially women. I think of the words in this book often but mostly in those moments where I am being critical of my body. Nicole lovingly reminds us of the important of self-love and for me it reminded me of how important it is to let go of culturally conditioned beliefs about what my body “should” look like. If you’re looking to shift perspectives and learn to live yourself exactly as you are, this is the book for you.
~Alvely Alcantara
Everyone should love their bodies
A cute, timely and important reminder to love every part of our body that regardless of how the package has changed over time, has ultimately kept us.
~Dolores Andral
Love, love, loved this book!
This is a lovely, expressive book that feels almost like an art journal. I so loved this book! It made me laugh, it made me cry and it made me start to look at my body differently and appreciate its uniqueness more. I hope all women read this book and we end the madness around our hate for our bodies. It seems like the least we could do for our daughters and granddaughters.
~Lillie Marshall
An inspiring and heartfelt read!
What a beautiful read! The message is so inspiring. After reading this, I feel like I have an army of friends and support that I’ve never properly noticed…the parts of my body that I can ask to help lift me up when I need it This book is so beautiful. I love the way Nicole offers a new lens for me to view all parts of me!! As a woman, on planet earth right now, I receive so many “downloads” about my body from society. It’s so refreshing to have a new heart centered way to view and talk to my body! Thank you, Nicole!
~Traci Mott
Loved it!!
Yes please!!! Are you tired of feeling like you are not enough, or too much? Nicole did, and did something about it, and the results are a breath of fresh air! Loved the imagery, the honesty, the laughs and the tears. This isn’t a sappy pity party, its gritty and real, but with love and a lot of humor!
~Jacki Cole
This book will make you laugh out loud and cry like a baby.
A friend recommended this book to me after reading it. After reading, I understood why! This book helped me fall back in love with parts of my body that I have hated for years and gave me a new way to look at myself each and every day.
Great Read for All Ages!
Such an inspiration to read these positive notes that encourage self-reflection and self-love. The author really guides you to find positivity in so many places that society tells you not to. I read this with my daughters and it’s encouraging to see them love their imperfections!
Great Gift!
Powerful and inspiring!
Honest and thought-provoking
Such a brave, warm and inspiring book. So many of us have complicated relationships with our bodies, but so few of us are able to evaluate and articulate what those relationships are like. I hope this book encourages more people to do so.
~Kia Thomas